International Buddhist Cham Shan Temple of Australia
澳 洲 湛 山 寺


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Recent Events

2024 Chinese New Year

2024 Vesak Festival

Mid-Autumn Festival 2023

Sangha Day

Springtime at Cham Shan Temple

2023 Visit from Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle

Mid-Autumn Festival 2022

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s Enlightenment Day Celebrations

Celebration of Weito (Skanda) Bodhisattva’s Birthday

2021 Vesak Festival


Visit from Catholic Ecumenical and Interfaith Council


Inaugural visit from Thai master, Venerable Phrateppanyaamunee, Abbot of Wat-Avutvikasitaram, Bangkok, Thailand and Ven. Phra Mana, Abbot of Sunnataram Forest Monastery.


Aug 2017 - Visit by Ven. Phra Mana


Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s Enlightenment Day Celebrations & 7-Day Retreat


Vesak Day 2017


Sangha Offerings


Short Term Monastic Retreat


Eight-Precept and 7-day Pureland Retreats


Taking Refuge & Precept Ceremonies


Dharma discussion classes


Dedication of merits by ringing the temple bell.


Vesak Day 2016


Dharma sharing and visits to monasteries in Bundanoon NSW, 2015


Vesak Day 2015


2015/2/22 Celebration of the 20th Anniversary


Chinese New Year


2014 Construction progress of the Weito Bodhisattva Shrine and Enshrinement Ceremony


2014 Overseas visits


Student visits


Vesak Day with the prayers and the Bathing Buddha Ceremony


Sangha Day


Mid-Autumn Festival


Tree planting by volunteers